Category Archives: Guy Fieri

Tweeting to Tweetup

Alright everyone, lift up your hand if you know what a “Tweetup” is? I’m guessing some of you do know what it is, some of you have done it yourself and some of you have heard about it but are thinking to yourself this must be one of those Twitter things that just doesn’t make any sense.

A “Tweetup” comes from the Twitter-world and it is people who meet up in person from their Twitter relationship. I’ve written about Twitter before and how I have met phenomenal people due to it. Unfortunately, due to geographical issues, meeting face-to-face is difficult. However, when you enjoy 140 character chats with someone and you have the opportunity to meet, a “Tweetup” just makes sense.

I had just the opportunity this weekend for a “Tweetup” in Michigan to meet up with Kirsten_Al who lives in Charlotte, but was in Michigan to shoot a wedding. The plan was to hang out, talk photography (since Kirsten is a professional photographer and check out her website to see how good she is), shop at Meijer’s, eat a great burger at an Ann Arbor legend called Blimpy’s and have some laughs. And other than not shopping at Meijer’s, that’s exactly what happened.

For those who haven’t joined the Twitter world or for those who have, but haven’t yet done a “Tweetup”, there’s always going to be some apprehension about meeting someone you’ve never met in person. And while the apprehension is totally acceptable, don’t dismiss it entirely, because at least in my experiences Twitter allows you to meet wonderful people who can become real friends.


Hanging out with a photographer inspired me to look for nature's subtle beauty.

Action shot and she doesn't know I took this. Now she does.

If it's good enough for Guy and Triple D, it's good enough for me!

I'm working on my "Hunch" while attacking a double patty with a fried egg, mayo, pickles, green olives, banana peppers and a ton of onion rings!




Filed under Guy Fieri, Michigan, Tweetup